Project presentation schedule
Please prepare a 15 minute presentation with 5 mins for questions.
Presenter | Date 1 | Date 2 | Date 3 |
Project Report Guidelines (Due [Date] midnight by email)
The project report is similar to a paper that you might write for a conference. It should describe the goal of your project, what approach you have applied to study the problem, your results, discussion and conclusions from your results. The project report should be no longer than 6 pages (12 point single-spaced), and should include the following sections:
1. Introduction: Describe the broad problem that you are addressing in this project and why it is important.
2. Approach:
- For an implementation project, describe the algorithms you applied to address the question of interest.
- For a literature review, describe the approaches you compared and the criteria used to compare each approach.
3. Results:
- For an implementation project, please describe the results that were generated as part of your experiments. Please provide figures or tables summarizing your results.
- For a literature review, please the strengths and weaknesses based on your conclusions. You might summarize your findings in a table or some other graphic.
4. Discussion: Interpretation and discussion of your results. What lessons did you learn?
5. Future Work: How might you extend the work done in this project?
6. References
Project Proposal Guidelines (Due [Date])
The proposal document should have no more than 1000 words. Contents should include:
1. Broad question or problem your project is addressing
2. Approach: The approach should describe the steps you will take to implement your project.
- If this is an implementation project, you should describe the methods/algorithms you are trying to compare, what criteria you will use to compare these methods, and the datasets that you will apply these methods to.
- If this is a literature review, you should describe the methods/algorithms you are comparing and also what criteria you will use to compare and contrast these methods.
3. Significance: Why is this is an interesting and important project to do? Once your project is completed what results do you expect to obtain? What lessons do you expect to learn from your project?
4. References: This should be not be part of the 1000 word limit