
Project Report

Due Dec 16th, 2020. See here for details.

Project Presentations (Dec 3rd, Dec 8th, Dec 10th)

Please prepare an 10 minute presentation with 2 mins for questions. Please read the guidelines below to help prepare your presentation. Please note, BBcollaborate does not show powerpoint animations properly. I suggest you separate out animations in separate slides. PDFs work best. Please go to canvas to see the presentation schedule. Please upload your slides via canvas no later than the day of your presentation.

Project presentation guidelines

Here are a few guidelines to help you prepare your presentation.

  1. Grading criteria: Grading will be based on both the content and your presentation style. Please strictly adhere to the 10 min slot. Some points I will consider for your grade are: finishing on time, readable graphics, explaining figures/equations, minimizing jargon but explaining it when used.
  2. Completion status: For students who will be presenting earlier, I would expect that the project is still in progress and therefore fewer results compared to students presenting later.
  3. Number of slides: For an 10 minute presentation, 10-12 slides should be enough, but you might be a slow or fast speaker so please adjust according to your pace.
  4. Content: The presentation should be roughly structured as follows. No particular format is required, but the structure below seems to work well in many cases: 
    • Problem overview: The overview should touch upon the description and motivation of the problem
    • Your approach and some background about how it relates to other approaches
    • Experiments: Try to motivate experiments by the questions they seek to answer
    • Results: Try to describe the results based on the answers to your questions
    • Conclusions from results/lessons learned
    • Future work. 

You might also find this article on 10 simple rules for making good presentations helpful.

Project Proposals (Due Oct 23rd)

Please submit you final project proposal by using this canvas link.

Project Proposal Draft (Due date Oct 8th)

Please submit your project proposal by using the link on canvas. Please put your name in the project proposal document.

Guidelines for the proposal
The proposal document should be no more than 2 pages, 11 pt font. Contents should include:

1. Introduction: Broad question or problem your project is addressing

2. Approach: The approach should describe the steps you will take to implement your project. You should describe the methods/algorithms you are trying to compare, what criteria you will use to compare these methods, and the  datasets that you will apply these methods to.

3. Significance: Why is this is an interesting and important project to do? Once your project is completed what results do you expect to obtain? What lessons do you expect to learn from your project?

4. References: This should be not be part of the 2 page limit

Example project ideas and proposals
For some example project ideas see example_projects. For example project proposals, see example1 and example2.