
Week Date Major Topic Computational concepts Biological application Slides Reading Lecturer
1 5-Sep Class overview What is Network Biology pptx pdf 1. Molecules of life 2. Topology of molecular networks 3. Current and Future Directions in Network Biology Profs. Roy/Gitter
2 10-Sep Representing and learning networks from data Introductory concepts of graphs and PGMs Representing gene regulatory networks pptx pdf (1) Friedman et al (2) Sparse candidate (3) Markowetz and Spang (optional) Prof. Roy
12-Sep Learning directed PGMs from data pdf pptx DBN and Cancer signaling Prof. Roy
3 17-Sep Extensions to directed PGMs Modeling cycles; time; TF activities and prior knowledge Prof. Roy
19-Sep Prof. Roy
4 24-Sep Causal graph learning Causal GRNs Prof. Roy
26-Sep Prof. Roy
5 1-Oct Deep learning in network biology Prof. Gitter
3-Oct Prof. Gitter
6 8-Oct Prof. Gitter
10-Oct Prof. Gitter
7 15-Oct Prof. Gitter
17-Oct Analysis of graphs Degree distribution; clusters/modules and motifs Design principles of biological networks Spencer Halberg & Erika Lee
8 22-Oct Graph clustering Finding modules in graphs Prof. Roy
24-Oct Unsupervised Representation learning Task agnostic graph analysis Prof. Roy
9 29-Oct Graph alignment Spectral and matrix factorization alignment Aligning protein-protein interactions Prof. Roy
31-Oct Aligning single cell omic datasets Prof. Roy
10 5-Nov Alignment continued Prof. Roy
7-Nov Network-based integration and interpretation Graph kernels for node prioritization Finding important genes of a process/disease Prof. Gitter
11 12-Nov Graph diffusion Finding patient/disease pathways associated with cancer Prof. Gitter
14-Nov Graph diffusion More interpretation Prof. Gitter
12 19-Nov Data integration using networks: Steiner forests Integrating data from small samples Prof. Gitter
21-Nov Data integration using networks: SNF Integrating data from large samples Prof. Gitter
13 26-Nov More integration Prof. Gitter
28-Nov Thanksgiving
14 3-Dec Projects
5-Dec Projects
15 10-Dec Projects