Due date: Dec 16th via canvas.
The project report is similar to a paper that you might write for a conference or journal. It should describe the goal of your project, what approach you have applied to study the problem, your results, discussion and conclusions from your results. The project report should be between 5-7 pages (12 point single-spaced, excluding references), should have no more than 6 figures and should include the following sections:
1. Introduction: Describe the broad computational and biological problem that you are addressing in this project and why it is important.
2. Related work: Describe current approaches or classes of methods to tackle the problem of interest.
3. Approach: Describe the algorithm(s) you applied to address the question of interest. Please put these algorithms in the context of other related approaches and describe why you selected the specific algorithm(s) for your problem.
4. Results: Please describe the results that were generated as part of your experiments. Please provide figures or tables summarizing your results. Please provide legends for your figures and tables.
5. Discussion: Interpretation and discussion of your results. What lessons did you learn? What insights did you gain?
6. Future Work: How might you extend the work done in this project?
7. References